NO 21
We have now arrived at a period within a few hours
of starting on the intended journey, say the night before. At this juncture the
traveller, like a wary general, reviews his forces, and places his baggage in
order, ascertaining that the addresses are all properly affixed, the locks
secured, and the straps and cords fastened. If the intention be to start very
early in the morning, a vehicle should be engaged overnight, and the driver
instructed to be at the door in ample time for the removal of the luggage and
the getting to the station. But by the time the vehicle arrives, you yourself
should be ready to step into it. To this end, it will be necessary to ask a
policeman, or some person whose duty takes him abroad at night, to call you at the
proper hour. In some country towns the people who have to attend the markets
are in the habit of chalking opposite to their doors overnight, the hour at
which they wish to be aroused the next morning. Thus the policeman reads his
instructions as he walks his beat, and awakens the inmates accordingly. This
hint might be acted upon by railway travellers; for the person who had been
spoken to, might forget the number of the house, the hour at which he was to
call, or possibly lose sight of the circumstance altogether, unless thus
reminded. Again, some persons sleep so soundly that the noise of the door-bell
or knocker fails to impress their auditory nerves. In many of the manufacturing
districts of England, the factory hands employ a watchman, who is paid by
subscription, and whose especial duty it is to arouse at certain hours those by
whom he is employed. For this purpose he is armed with a long cane or wand, and
the habitations of the factory people being for the most part low built, he is
enabled to tap at the bedroom windows, and this he does in every case until he
receives a response from within. It is well known that no sound from without
sooner startles a sleeping person than a noise against the window. Acting upon
this hint, the person who arouses the railway traveller might discharge against
the window of his bedchamber a little gravel, or a few small shot, following
this up by a vigorous ring of the bell; the one sound effectually breaking in
upon slumber, and the other acting as a reminder.
But the best plan of all to insure being in time for
an early train, is to sleep the night previously at an hotel adjoining, or
adjacent to, the departure station. Here there will be little fear of awakening
as the bustle in the passages and various bedrooms of other early travellers
will, generally speaking, be sufficient to awaken the heaviest sleeper. To
avoid, however, the possibility of miscarriage, order the “boots” to call you
at the required time in the morning.
It happens, in numerous instances, that virtuous
resolves are made overnight with respect to early rising, which resolves, when
put to the test, are doomed only to be broken. Some years ago a clergyman, who
had occasion to visit the West of England on very important business, took up
his quarters, late at night, at a certain hotel adjacent to a railway, with a
view of starting by the early train on the following morning. Previous to retiring
to rest, he called the “boots ” to him, told him that he wished to be called
for the early train, and said that it was of the utmost importance that he
should not oversleep himself. The reverend gentleman at the same time confessed
that he was a very heavy sleeper, and as there would be probably the greatest
difficnlty in awakening him, he (the “boots ”) was to resort to any means he
thought proper in order to effect his object. And, further, that if the
business were effectually accomplished, the fee should be a liberal one. The
preliminaries being thus settled, the clergyman sought his couch, and ‘boots ”
left the room with the air of a determined man. At a quarter to five on the
following morning, “ boots ” walked straight to “ No. Twenty-three,” and
commenced a vigorous rattling and hammering at the door, but the only answer he
received was “ All right !” uttered in a very faint and drowsy tone. Five
minutes later, “boots” approached the door, placed his ear at the keyhole, and
detecting no other sound than a most unearthly snore, he unceremoniously
entered the room, and laying his brawny hands upon the prostrate form of the
sleeper, shook him violently and long. This attack was replied to by a testy
observation that he “knew all about it, and there was not the least occasion to
shake one so.” “Boots” thereupon left the room, but somewhat doubtingly, and
only to return a few minutes afterwards and find the Rev. Mr. as sound asleep
as ever. This time the clothes were stripped off, and a species of baptismal
process was adopted, familiarly known as “cold pig.” At this assault the
enraged gentleman sat bolt upright in bed, and with much other bitter remark,
denounced “boots” as a barbarous fellow. An explanation was then come to, and
the drowsy man professed he understood it all, and was about to arise. But the
gentleman who officiated at the hotel, having had some experience in these
matters, placed no reliance upon the promise he had just received, and shortly
visited “ No. Twenty-three” again. There he found that the occupant certainly
had got up, but it was only to replace the bed-clothes and to lie down again.
“Boots” now felt convinced that this was one of those cases which required
prompt and vigorous handling, and without more ado, therefore, he again
stripped off the upper clothing, and seizing hold of the under sheet, he
dragged its depository bodily from off the bed. The sleeping man, sensible of
the unusual motion, and dreamily beholding a stalwart form bent over him,
became impressed with the idea that a personal attack was being made upon him,
probably with a view to robbery and murder. Under this conviction, he, in his
descent, grasped “boots” firmly by the throat, the result being that both
bodies thus came to the floor with a crash. Here the two rolled about for some
seconds in all the agonies of a death-struggle, until the unwonted noise and
the cries of the assailants brought several persons from all parts of the
hotel, and they, seeing two men rolling frantically about in each other’s arms,
and with the hand of each grasping the other’s throat, rushed in and separated
them. An explanation was of course soon given. The son of the church was
effectually awakened, he rewarded the “boots,” and went off by the train. Fortune
subsequently smiled upon “boots,” and in the course of time he became
proprietor of a first-rate hotel. In the interval the Rev. Mr. had risen from a
humble curate to the grade of a dean. Having occasion to visit the town of ——,
he put up at the house of the ex-boots. The two men saw and recognized each
other, and the affair of the early train reverted to the memory of both. “It
was a most fortunate circumstance,” said the dean, “that I did not oversleep
myself on that morning, for from the memorable journey that followed, I date my
advancement in the Church. But,” he continued, with an expression that
betokened some tender recollection, “if I ever should require you to wake me
for an early train again, would you mind placing a mattress or feather-bed on
the floor?”
This will not be an inappropriate place to impress
upon the railway traveller the importance of punctuality. The old adage of
“Time and tide wait for no man” may be applied in this direction, only for the
word tide read “trains.” The time of departure stated in the table is no
fiction; the strictest regularity is observed, and indeed must necessarily be,
to prevent the terrible consequences that might otherwise ensue. Therefore
passengers, to insure being booked, should be at the station five minutes
earlier than the advertised time of departure. The doors of the booking-oflice
are usually closed at the time fixed for the departure of the train, after
which no person can be admitted. It should here be observed that the clocks at
the various railway stations are universally set and regulated by “ London
time.” For instance, most of our readers are aware that when it is twelve
o’clock in the metropolis, it is either earlier or later than that hour
elsewhere, according to the distance from London, and the direction of the
compass. Thus the clocks of a provincial town may point at five minutes to
twelve, whereas it has already struck twelve in London, and the train appointed
for departure at that hour has started, when the unmindful traveller thinks
that he has still a few minutes to spare. Bearing this fact in mind, it will be
wise, upon alighting at a provincial station, to note the difference between
the time registered there and the London time, so that the discrepancy may be
duly allowed for in the traveller's subsequent movements. Beware of placing too
great a reliance upon the domestic clock; these are generally eccentric in
their movements, and by some sort of fatality, when most relied on, most
mislead. The reason why persons are late for the train, generally arises from
an overweening confidence in there being “plenty of time;” the interval between
starting for the station and arriving at it is too finely calculated, or too
short a time is allowed for the performance of certain things.
We hope that we shall not be accused of a want of
gallantry when we declare that when there are ladies in the case, it is
absolutely necessary to allow a wider margin for the preparations for departure
than is ordinarily assigned. The fair sex must complete their toilet to their
entire satisfaction, whatever the consequences may be. It should also be
remembered that they do not enter into the spirit of the straight-laced
punctuality observed by the railway authorities, and if the time-table sets
down the departure at 1.20, they instinctively read 1.45. In such cases, it is
absolutely necessary to adopt some stratagem to insure being in time for the
train; the precise modus operandi is
left to the ingenuity of the traveller, and the opportunities that may present
Perhaps the following anecdote may furnish a hint on
this head:—A gentleman, engaged in commerce, had for a wife a lady possessed of
every charm and nearly every virtue; there was one defect in her composition,
however, which negatived many of her good qualities, and went far to disturb
the domestic bliss which should have otherwise reigned - namely, an utter
disregard of punctuality in the regulation of her domestic duties. Many were
the cold looks, the harsh rebukes, the bitter rejoinders, and the sulky
intervals which this one fault gave rise to. In due course of time the father
of the lady departed this life, and among other heirlooms that reverted to her,
was a clock which had literally served its time in the family. In the days of
her early childhood, she who was now an unpunctual wife, had been led to regard
this clock as a monitor who was to be implicitly obeyed. Hcr going to and
returning from school, her bed-time, her play-time, her meal-time, were duly
regarded as they were duly recorded. And she would no more have thought of
questioning the fidelity of this Time’s chronicler, than she would the word of
her parents themselves. Now, when this clock once more made its appearance
among the household gods, the old feeling of veneration and regard returned,
and asserted its supremacy as strongly in the bosom of the matron as it had
reigned in the breast of the child. Forthwith every household duty was
performed and regulated by this faithful indicator. The husband was not long in
noting this new-born love of punctuality, nor slow in tracing the cause of it.
He determined on profiting by it to the furthest extent, to compensate himself
for many terrible disappointments hitherto experienced, and to make provision
for any future relapse. He accordingly hit upon the expedient of privately
putting on the clock a quarter of an hour, and keeping it thus in advance
without his wife’s knowledge in perpetuity. This he successfully accomplished;
and although occasional droppers-in sometimes ventured to hint that the clock
was a little fast, and although every other time-piece far and near appeared by
comparison to be slow, the good lady remained true to her horological faith,
and to the latest day of her existence held the belief that of all the clocks
in the universe, hers only was right, and every other wrong. It is needless to
remark on the advantage which was not only reaped by the husband, but which
accrued to the parties concerned by this harmless ruse.
To resume the thread of our remarks, there certainly
cannot be exhibited a more ludicrous sight than that presented by a man vainly
endeavouring to catch the train. If he be burdened by many packages, and
accompanied by a wife and a numerous family of young children, the picture is
considerably heightened. Under any circumstance, it is galling enough to make
that frantic rush amidst the clattering of wheels, the barking of dogs, the
jeers of bystanders, and the grim smiles of railway officials, and all this
with no other result than to see the train you have made such desperate
exertions to save, quietly steaming out of the station, to say nothing of the
irksomeness of being imprisoned, perhaps, at some out-of-the-way station, for
two or three hours, and the humiliation of being regarded and alluded to as
“the party that was too late for the last train.” Even supposing that by a happy
chance the train is just saved, the traveller is huddled into the first vacant
seat without being allowed to exercise choice. He is very hot, flurried, and
certainly not in the most amiable of moods. The probabilities are that he has
lost or left something behind, or if he has not, he is under that impression,
and is in a state of considerable agitation accordingly. Therefore we say, if
you wish to start on a journey comfortably, or, indeed, if you desire to start
at all—Be in time.
The dress which a person wears when travelling by
railway, need not be an object of solicitude so far as fashion is concerned;
the end to be achieved is comfort and ease. For gentlemen, the best costume is
one of those suits now so commonly worn, made of the same material, fashioned
in such a manner as to leave the body and limbs free and unconstrained, and the
colour light, so as not to show the dust, nor require constant brushing;
moreover, liberally furnished with pockets for books, newspapers, sandwiches,
pocket-flask, etc. One of the most sensible articles of travelling attire is a
shirt of flannel, which is much warmer than the linen or cotton shirt
ordinarily worn, and does away with the necessity of frequent change of
garment, which entails upon the traveller considerable expense and
inconvenience. It will also be found a good plan in many cases to wear patent
leather boots instead of the ordinary leather ones : they can be cleaned by the
wearer himself with a little oil or milk, and are always at hand. A cap is
preferable to a hat; but if the traveller be wedded to the chimneypot style of
head-covering, he had better provide himself with a “gibus,” or compressible
hat, which admits of being easily stowed away when not in use. It would be as
well for the traveller to provide himself with an over-coat, no matter what the
season, the weight of the garment being regulated accordingly. In our variable
climate sunshine may at any moment be interrupted by rain; and even in the
height of summer keen blasts and cold winds sometimes make themselves felt. To
meet these contingencies, the secret, therefore, is to have an over-coat which
is not heavy to carry either on the back or in the hand, serving its purpose
when required, and not proving burdensome when no longer needed. Over-coats
possessing these qualifications are made in great variety. It is of the utmost
importance to keep the feet warm; this may be accomplished by a pair of
lamb’s-wool socks and thick-soled boots, a pair of extra socks drawn over the
ordinary ones, cork soles or strips of flannel placed within the boots. For
effectually protecting the body against cold there is nothing better than a
maud or shepherd’s plaid. For keeping away draughts from the legs a railway rug
or wrapper will answer the desired end. We shall perhaps be excused for calling
attention to a new material for wearing apparel which will possibly prove of
service to the railway traveller; we allude to paper. There are now being
advertised paper collars, paper shirt-fronts, paper Waistcoats, etc. The
novelty is perhaps too startling to meet with general and immediate adoption;
and besides the material is generally regarded as too fragile to be depended
on. A gentleman presenting himself at the dinner-table with a white paper
waistcoat washed into a pulp, would cut a rather ignominious figure; a
shirt-front torn in the centre would somewhat awkwardly reveal the secrets of
the bosom, and there would be something extremely undignified in dog-eared
wristbands. In the matter of collars, however, there is not so much to object
to. They will doubtless serve their purpose for the day, and inasmuch as their
cost is not greater than the charge for washing linen ones, they will be found
more convenient and equally as economical. The traveller thus provided with
these, and with the flannel shirts previously referred to, may travel from
place to place without being irritated by that somewhat uncertain and exacting
class —the laundresses. As regards ladies’ attire, we dare scarcely enter
within that penetralia. We may, however, be excused for recommending the use of
a veil for protecting the face and eyes; and a general regard for comfort and
convenience rather than appearances.
It has been said that with a shilling, a piece of string,
and a pocket-knife a man is prepared for any emergency. Without bounding our
view within this narrow limit, we are of opinion that the possession of a few
articles, comparatively trifling in themselves, is calculated to enhance the
comfort and convenience of the railway traveller. Supposing the railway
traveller to be provided—as we trust every railway traveller is —with a liberal
supply of cash, there is even here a consideration as to its most available
form. If the sum required be not very large, we strongly advise that it should
be in hard cash, for this is readily transmittable. If notes must be
necessarily taken, they should be of the smallest amount, as great difficulty
and even expense is sometimes incurred in procuring change for larger notes.
And even where the change can be given, it is in many cases withheld, because
there exists a lurking suspicion that all is not right. Neither should a supply
of small change be wanting, half-crowns, shillings, sixpences, fourpenny
pieces, etc., ready for all calls and claims. When a traveller is unprovided
with this comparatively trifling material, it is astonishing how liable he
renders himself to overcharges and impositions; and frequently, rather than be
put to annoyance and delay, he has to pay four or five times the value of an
article or for trifling services performed. Before starting on a journey,
therefore, we would advise that change be sent for, and a portion of it, comprising
every variety of coin, placed loose in the pocket for instant disbursement.
Every person of ordinary thought and observation should carry with him a pocket
memorandum book; many incidents may occur well worthy of note, many items of
information may present themselves which should in no case pass by unrecorded.
And here we would impress upon the reader not to be afraid or ashamed of using
such a book, and not to trust too implicitly to memory to retain all that is
seen and heard. If in an ordinary railway journey, say from London to York, a
passenger were to jot down actual observations, and passing impressions, he
could not fail to be surprised and pleased hereafter with the fund of profit
and pleasure he had thus stored up. No person should travel by railway without having
his card of address about him; setting aside the painful catastrophe of an
accident, there are numerous emergencies when this simple voucher of
respectability and personal identity is calculated to play an important part,
and in the absence of which, it is just possible for a person to be regarded
with suspicion, treated with indignity, and, for a time, even deprived of his
liberty. The most immaculate of railway travellers may bear an unfortunate
resemblance to an accomplished swindler who once came by the same route, or be
the very counterpart of some notorious offender, “wanted,” in the Hue and Cry.
True, the possession of a card of address would not be in itself sufficient
evidence of innocence and respectability, but this would go far to establish
the truth, and, taken in connection with corroborative testimony, would
probably clear up all doubts. Occasion frequently arises for despatching a
written communication at some point of the journey, or before the traveller is
fairly established in his quarters. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult,
and sometimes impossible, to procure writing materials, postage stamps, etc. As
a provision against such emergencies, it is to be recommended that the
traveller carry in his pocket-book three or four sheets of note-paper folded
within as many envelopes, and with postage stamps affixed; these, with a
pocket-pen and a small inkstand so constructed as not to allow the ink to
escape, will place it in the possessor’s power to write a note at any moment,
and to despatch it through the next post-office arrived at. When it is borne in
mind how frequently such emergencies as these arise, how important it is that
they should be immediately attended to, how small the bulk of the articles
mentioned, how easily procured, and how handy at all times and all places, we
need offer no further apology for laying some stress on this matter.
The railway traveller will seldom experience any
difficulty in meeting with a conveyance to take him to the station. Omnibusses,
cabs, flys, etc., customarily journey stationwards couformably with the
departure and arrival of the various trains, while in the streets of London,
and other large cities, a vehicle is always within hail. If a person has little
or no luggage, a seat in an omnibus will answer his purpose, but if his
packages are numerous, then it will be necessary to have a cab or a fly. The
squabbles between drivers and their fares upon alighting are matters of notoriety,
and generally follow as a matter of course. But this is especially the case
when a person is conveyed to a railway station, for the cabman well knows that
ninety-nine persons out of a hundred prefer paying the excess of fare to
missing the train, which they are likely to do by contending against the
overcharge. The most satisfactory plan is to bargain with the driver before
setting out, telling him exactly how many persons and packages there are, so
that he may have no pretext for claiming extra fare. But if this be not done,
it should be known that at most stations there is exhibited a table of fares,
calculated from several points, and if this fail in affording the desired
information, the policeman, or head porter on duty, will generally be able to
throw a light on the matter. In any case, be prepared with the exact amount of
the fare, for cabmen resemble, in this particular, Goldsmith’s Village
Preacher, who
“ Ne'er had changed, nor wished to change.”
If you have but a short time to reach the station
in, be careful to choose a cab with a fresh-looking horse attached to it, and
not one where the animal, either from deficiency of nutriment, or excess of
labour, is in such a drooping condition as to render him obviously unequal to
the contemplated task. The Hansom cabs are generally the most expeditious, but
Clarence cabs are best adapted for quantities of luggage. If you determine upon
walking to the station, allow yourself a few moments’ grace beyond the bare
time required. Observe, also, not to take any short cuts, unless you well know the
road, for such attempts at bridging the distance frequently end in extending
it, and sometimes result in losing the train. If you miss your way, or are in
doubt, press the first intelligent lad you meet with into your service, and for
a few pence he will cheerfully conduct you to the wished for goal. In cases where
persons reside some miles from the station, and where the passengers and
luggage are sufficient to fill two or three cabs or flys, it is a very good
plan to charter an omnibus expressly for the journey; this will not prove any
more expensive, and infinitely more convenient. If your effects are very
numerous and bulky, sufficient, for instance, to fill a van, the railway
company, on being written to, will despatch one of their vans to your address,
and in this, the goods will be packed by the company’s servants, and conveyed
just as it is on to the rails of the line, where it will be either attached to
the train you travel by, or to some other train, according to special
arrangement. This will prevent much loading and unloading, expense, damage,
loss, and confusion. In the course of his peregrinations, the railway traveller
may find himself in some out-of-the-way place, where no regular vehicle can be
obtained to convey him to the station, and this contretemp is aggravated when
the time of departure happens to be early in the morning; in such a dilemma, a
mail-cart, a marketcart, or some such conveyance, may come to the traveller’s
rescue. And this knowledge may be gathered at the village ale-house, the
grocer’s, the postoffice, etc.
Captain B, a man of restless energy and adventurous
spirit, emerged early one morning from a hovel in a distant village, where from
stress of weather he had been compelled to pass the night. It was just dawn of
day, and within an hour the train he wished to go by would start from the
station, about six miles distant. He had with him a portmanteau, which it would
be impossible for him to carry within the prescribed time, but which he could
not very well leave behind. Pondering on what he should do, his eye lighted on
a likely-looking horse grazing in a field hard by, while in the next field
there was a line extended between two posts, for the purpose of drying clothes
on. The sight of these objects soon suggested the plan for him to adopt. In an
instant he detached the line, and then taking a piece of bread from his pocket,
coaxed the animal to approach him. Captain B was an adept in the management of
horses, and as a rough-rider, perhaps, had no equal. In a few seconds he had,
by the aid of a portion of the line, arranged his portmanteau pannier-wise
across the horse’s back, and forming a bridle with the remaining portion of the
line; he led his steed into the lane, and sprang upon his back. The horse
rather relished the trip than otherwise, and what with the unaccustomed burden,
and the consciousness that he was being steered by a knowing hand, he sped
onwards at a terrific pace. While in mid career, one of the mounted police
espied the captain coming along the- road at a distance; recognizing the horse,
but not knowing the rider, and noticing also the portmanteau, and the uncouth
equipment, this rural guardian of the peace at once came to the conclusion that
this was a case of robbery and horse-stealing; as the captain neared him, he
endeavoured to stop him, and stretched forth his hand to seize the improvized
bridle, but the gallant equestrian laughed to scorn this impotent attempt, and
shook him off, and shot by him. Thus foiled, the policeman had nothing to do
than to give chase; so turning his horse’s head he followed in full cry. The
clatter and shouts of pursuer and pursued brought forth the inhabitants of the
cottages they passed, and many of these joined in the chase. Never since
Turpin’s ride to York, or Johnny Gilpin’s ride to Edmonton, had there been such
a commotion caused by an equestrian performance. To make a long story short,
the captain reached the station in ample time; an explanation ensued; a
handsome apology was tendered to the patrol, and a present equally handsome was
forwarded, together with the abstracted property, to the joint owner of the
horse and the clothes-line.
To be continued.
We hope you remember John Gilpin from a few weeks ago.